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August 15, 2003


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I was surfing the dotmac.info site to determine whether i should sign up for an account when i found your webblog. Pretty interesting. Takes a pretty strong reserve to walk home four hours.


What an amazing adventure. You told it so well, I was sweating and needed a shower by the end. ;) I'm glad you got home safely.

KJ Fuller

Snicker... Never been to a city with more than 100,000 people. I would enjoy a power outage here in Idaho. I watched on the news and thought... Do those people even know how to get home without there cars and trains. But glad to made it home safe.


No electricity and running water are normal conditions at my mother's house. She lives on the Navajo reservation in northeastern Arizona. I grew up very conscious of having to conserve water and a flashlight at night is very handy. My mother now has solar energy to light her house. Last winter the lights went out, several hours later we realized the solar panels outside had been covered with the snow overnight and all we needed to was sweep it off and wait several hours for the sun to re-charge the batteries. My visits to mother's house always remind me not to take modern conveniences for granted.
Thanks for sharing your experience, glad everything worked out okay - Houston, TX.

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